Sunday, January 9, 2011

12. What reflections and connections can you make with this novel?

 To me, this book was a source of encouragement and hope.

 I've always wanted to become a missionary in Africa when I was young, and I still want to become a missionary. For some reason, I just want to help the African children that die every ten seconds because they do not have the nutrition and medicine. Like the Sawi in the book Peace Child, there are still people that need help that they deserve as human beings. As a missionary, I want to provide these people the help that they need and most importantly tell them about God and how he is the one who created us and loves us so much that he sent his one and only son to die for our sins. On the other hand, although I was always passionate about Africa and serving as a missionary, in one small part of my heart, I am always worried about how I would survive in such different culture and environment. I am worried about how to adapt to the people and most importantly, what would happen to my family and my children? Although as a Christian, I believe that God will take care of the whole thing according to his will, but still as a immature Christian, I find myself not necessarily doubting God, but not fully trusting him as my provider. However, after reading this book, I was able to personally relate to Don Richardson and repent on how weak I was in trusting God.
  Don Richardson was able to rely on god one hundred percent under any circumstances. No matter what he was facing he prayed to God and only seeked for his guidance. I think this is what I'm still short on. Although I know I should only rely on God, sometimes I just can't. But reading about Don Richardson showed me that when we follow God's plans for us, he will always provide us with everything that we need. Sometimes it might seem not enought, but God knows better than us and always provides us with what we need. By reading this book, I found how weak my faith was and also encouraged me to only rely on God and trust him.