Thursday, December 2, 2010

2. How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?

       Often times as imperfect human beings, people seek for guidance from metaphysical superhuman beings. This is why humans first came up with the many gods that they worshiped for many different reasons such as good harvesting seasons and wealth. Even the very uncivilized tribes in the world have some kind of superstition and superhuman force that strongly influences and forms their culture and way of living. As shown in the book Peace Child, the Sawi, a tribe that killed and ate human beings, had their own "gods" called supernatural spirits, that they were trying not disturb and appease to. "They were on their own, and they felt themselves trembling under the

responsibility of a decision which could dramatically affect their own destinies and the fate of their little ones" (Richardson, 40). Many times in history such as the time period where the Roman Empire stretched its influence all over Europe, faith and religion has shaped the empire's way of living dramatically. In Rome, the Roman Catholicism not only affected the believers, but also the normal citizens because it was involved deeply into political matters of the empire. Also in the case of the United States, religion and faith to God took a major role in forming the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The U.S. was first established by the people who were seeking for religious freedom. As a result, in hardships people relied on God as much as possible, and when the nation was ready to stand alone, the government was highly influenced by their faith in God. For an example, in the Declaration of Independence, it states that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", the "Creator" representing God. Still, the U.S. currency has the phrase "IN GOD WE TRUST". 
          Although religion is no longer part of the political matters of this world, it still affects the daily lives of the ordinary human beings roaming in this world. In our daily lives, either Christian or not, most people have faith in a particular god that they believe to be the true divine god. Just like the Sawi in the Peace Child, humans often try to seek for god's mercy and grace for their own goods. Although the Sawi first didn't rely on God for their peace, later on after finding and turing to God, they rely heavily on him for the peace to cut the horrible cultural trait of killing each other and honoring treachery. Like this, although many still believe that religion has no relation to their own lives, at one end or another, religion has affected their way of thinking and the strong relation between faith and the world is vivid and unbreakable.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent post. You have considered the theme deeply and handled the questions well.
