Tuesday, December 28, 2010

11. How did Christianity change this culture?

 I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that Christianity has influenced and changed the Sawi culture nearly turning it upside down. Before Don Richardson was able to reach the Sawi tribes, their culture was not only shocking but also horrifying. Their culture mainly revolved around killing their enemies and bringing back the heads of their enemies as a way to show pride. They honored treachery which not only broke a vital concept needed for peace and unity called trust, but also increased their risk of destroying each other. In addition, because their technology was limited to many different aspects, they relied mostly on nature for their well-being and survival. Amazingly however, when Christianity reached the Sawi, their culture was able to turn away from the treachery and hate to peace and love, and from the advanced technologies introduced by Don Richardson, they were able to live a better life by using the tools not for war, but for the well-being of each other.

    It is truly astonishing how God was able to change such a stubborn culture that only honored treachery, into a culture that valued peace and love under the ultimate Peace Child called Jesus Christ. While I was reading the book, I was able to feel the frustration and fear that Don Richardson confronted trying to tell the Sawi about God's true love. It was not only limited to communicate with the Sawi, but the cultural barrier between the Sawi and Don Richardson's and mine seemed impossible to pierce through. However, before anyone knew, God provided Don Richardson a way to connect the story of Jesus Christ with the Sawi's own culture. The Sawi already knew the superiority of the Tuans, but when Don Richardson was able to connect with them personally, he was able to become the pathway for Christianity to reach the Sawi. When the Sawi first came upon the concept of peace, there seemed to be many obstacles and high risks of violence, but God protected their souls and helped them understand God not as the God of the Tuans, but the God for everyone including them. This impacted their culture in a way that most importantly, it recovered the concept of trust and unity under peaceful means. Now the Sawi didn't have to worry about getting killed by the person next to them!

P.S. Probably, the Sawi would've never been able to become such a peaceful tribe without Christianity.

1 comment:

  1. You have made excellent observations about the Sawi culture. True peace only comes from God.
